Kristen Stewart: $500K for 15-Minutes with Prince

kristen stewart 15-minutes meet with the Prince
The most famous Twilight star Kristen Stewart meet with an unidentified Middle Eastern Prince.

When the Movie Executive told Stewart the offer, she responded "How much?"
Harvey Weinstein, the one who negotiated the deal, and said that the Prince will make a large contribution to the Sandy relief effort is she would speak with him.

It happened and it says that he paid almost $500,000 for 15-minutes just to meet and greet Kristen Stewart on person. According to Mr. Weistein, the money was delivered in advanced.

Together with his bunch of bodyguards to secure his safety, the Prince meet and talk to the 23-year-old celebrity actress Kristen Stewart at the Madison Square Garden, and 'Kristen sits with the guy for 15 minutes' according to James Dolan, MSG's chairman.

He paid $500,000, well, that's more than $33,333 per minute and $555 per second..

Wow, she's expensive.. Even a Prince mesmerized by her beauty. :p

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